Then last Saturday I went out with my girl friends… well, more like a lunch date with the ladies as our server would say… “can I get your drinks, ladies” “are you ready to order, ladies” “I’m ready when you are, ladies” “is there anything else I can get you, ladies” “is everything good, ladies” I don’t know why I find this amusing hehe… sorry, I’m easily amused :) We had a great time! Eating… sharing food… talking… and LOL’ing on almost anything... even able to sneak in a photo op on our way out! LOL! We ought to do it again.

worth sharing..
A couple of things worth sharing. We somehow got struck by “Curious George” while going about our grocery shopping a couple of weekends ago, we were at the produce section and was looking at this fruit that we have never tried before, the actual fruit that is, but heard so much about even bought juices with this fruit and actually loved it. And they are plentiful than usual that day, probably its season or something, anyway, we bought one after a few dialogues of “should we try it?” “are you sure?” “it’s NOT cheap..” “does it taste good, you think?” “the juice taste good” “do you know how to eat this?” “they said it’s good for you” “should we try it?” put these inside a loop for 3 or 4 iterations until we hit that “OK”. We probably stood there for a good 5 minutes deciding whether to buy or not to buy. It was funny thinking about it. Anyhow, it didn’t quite lived up to our expectations, it’s good but it’s not as sweet as we thought it to be and not that easy to eat either… so, yeah, it was quite an adventure eating it really hahaha! I’m talking about the pomegranate fruit by the way. :)
Then last Saturday I went out with my girl friends… well, more like a lunch date with the ladies as our server would say… “can I get your drinks, ladies” “are you ready to order, ladies” “I’m ready when you are, ladies” “is there anything else I can get you, ladies” “is everything good, ladies” I don’t know why I find this amusing hehe… sorry, I’m easily amused :) We had a great time! Eating… sharing food… talking… and LOL’ing on almost anything... even able to sneak in a photo op on our way out! LOL! We ought to do it again.
Then last Saturday I went out with my girl friends… well, more like a lunch date with the ladies as our server would say… “can I get your drinks, ladies” “are you ready to order, ladies” “I’m ready when you are, ladies” “is there anything else I can get you, ladies” “is everything good, ladies” I don’t know why I find this amusing hehe… sorry, I’m easily amused :) We had a great time! Eating… sharing food… talking… and LOL’ing on almost anything... even able to sneak in a photo op on our way out! LOL! We ought to do it again.
Other Guys
A movie in the making titled “Other Guys” starring Will Ferrel, Mark Wahlberg, Samuel L. Jackson and Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson is shooting just outside my work building! How cool is that?! Disappointingly though, I have not spotted any known celebrity yet, except for Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson’s stunt double… that count for something, right? No? :) They’re shooting car chasing mostly… so they’ll drive to and from one end to another end of the road, over and over again… it’s actually neat to see live how they do this things. Well, it does create a little hassle coming to work too because they’ve closed roads that we would normally take plus the heavy traffic can make a person a little crazy in the morning haha…. but it’s all good. It’s not like we get to see this things everyday so it doesn’t bother me at all. :)
Here are some stolen shots I took while they’re on their break. The city mayor, Mayor Gerald D. Jennings even made an appearance… wanted to be in the film too didn’t yah? LOL!
Ok, so to make up for my celebrity deficiency here I’m posting a picture of myself with Mark Allen. What… who? I know, right? LOL! He is said to be the Tiger Woods of Triathlon, the Iron Man. I have no clue who he is (I’m not a sports fan myself since Michael Jordan retired and the team Ginebra disbanded ha-ha!) until I saw him at our Government Technology Conference held last Thursday September 24, he is one of the keynote speaker. He is actually a very good motivational speaker and I find him very inspiring, his presentation is very well thought-out. If you want to know more about him, Google is always there at your disposal of course. He is a celebrity. :)
Here are some stolen shots I took while they’re on their break. The city mayor, Mayor Gerald D. Jennings even made an appearance… wanted to be in the film too didn’t yah? LOL!
Ok, so to make up for my celebrity deficiency here I’m posting a picture of myself with Mark Allen. What… who? I know, right? LOL! He is said to be the Tiger Woods of Triathlon, the Iron Man. I have no clue who he is (I’m not a sports fan myself since Michael Jordan retired and the team Ginebra disbanded ha-ha!) until I saw him at our Government Technology Conference held last Thursday September 24, he is one of the keynote speaker. He is actually a very good motivational speaker and I find him very inspiring, his presentation is very well thought-out. If you want to know more about him, Google is always there at your disposal of course. He is a celebrity. :)
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