


This kid of ours is pretty much obsessed with the animated movie Monster Inc.  I didn’t think I can watch a movie over and over again for like… a thousandth time! But yeah, I did…

So this Halloween I’m pretty excited to dress her as Boo from Monster Inc. since that’s been her favorite movie lately… and I searched high and low online but could not find a place that sells it! Not even Etsy… can you believe it?!  They’re all pretty much DIYs… feeling pretty frustrated… and watching Monster Inc. again for the millionth time… I had this crazy thought of maybe I can do it… looks pretty easy…  why not! 

So here you go… my very own version of Boo from Monster Inc.

And this kid loved it!

She's two!

This kid had a blast at the children’s museum for her pre-birthday-present-slash-celebration. 

And on her birthday she blows her candle like a pro! And partied like a rock-star! J

Family Tree

Our little miss had a homework from school to do a family tree with her family and this is what we came up with :).

found this cartoon pictures online as pattern and drew our own version 

wacky pictures has their uses after all :) 

the making :)

Animal Land

Kind of halfhearted on whether or not Ella is ready for this kind of activity yet and if she will be able to appreciate it yet.  Although she loves watching animals on TV and can pretty much recognize most of the common ones already, we still have this itsy-bitsy-tiny concern that she might still be too young to meet the animals up close and personal, and that she might get scared.

But then we thought to just try it, and if she didn't like it there is always next year to go again… because, can you believe this is just in our neck of the woods?!

And Ella totally disliked it… NOT!  She loved it! She wasn't scared at all! It was very endearing really watching her interact with them, offering hugs and kisses and waving “Hi” to every animal in there. We’re sooo glad we've decided to go.  So when in doubt, just follow your itching feet haha! 

NFF - new found friend 


photo opp session by our little munchkin :)

summer time

Happy to be soaking up all of summer this year! 

From simply, letting our kid roam around in the backyard playing with dirt, sand, water, or what have you, while warren and I tries to tidy up our outside yard from uncontrolled weeds to trimming the plants, to starting out a veggie garden, to just simply be outside and watch Ella go excitedly crazy with her little inflatable swimming pool, to running around like crazy chasing each other… to, literally, visiting every single garage sales in the neighborhood.  We love summer! 

To add to the fun, a couple of weeks ago our entire family (Warren’s side of the family) from South Carolina plus a friend visited and stayed with us for a whole week.  And Ella couldn’t be more stoked! Especially with her cousin Charley… that she only get to talk to over Skype.  The last time they were all here, Ella was still in my belly and so this was really exciting for us especially for our Ella.

Whenever we have people visiting us, we plan things like what to do and where to bring them, around things that they want to do and go to.  For this crowd the special requests are a Canada trip and NYC.  Go figure... we did exactly that!  This will be our first time going to Canada so we are pretty excited about that and of course NYC will always be a place we want to visit over and over and over again haha. Never gets old!

Niagara and Toronto, Canada

First time to meet miss Liberty in NYC

There is a story behind the big smiles... and it starts with, don’t go there or you’re gonna get wet.  Followed by, i told you so! :) (see details in pictures below haha!)
battery park, NYC

a mini park at the hellskitchen area in NYC

Princess pajama party with cousin Charley!