

summer time

Happy to be soaking up all of summer this year! 

From simply, letting our kid roam around in the backyard playing with dirt, sand, water, or what have you, while warren and I tries to tidy up our outside yard from uncontrolled weeds to trimming the plants, to starting out a veggie garden, to just simply be outside and watch Ella go excitedly crazy with her little inflatable swimming pool, to running around like crazy chasing each other… to, literally, visiting every single garage sales in the neighborhood.  We love summer! 

To add to the fun, a couple of weeks ago our entire family (Warren’s side of the family) from South Carolina plus a friend visited and stayed with us for a whole week.  And Ella couldn’t be more stoked! Especially with her cousin Charley… that she only get to talk to over Skype.  The last time they were all here, Ella was still in my belly and so this was really exciting for us especially for our Ella.

Whenever we have people visiting us, we plan things like what to do and where to bring them, around things that they want to do and go to.  For this crowd the special requests are a Canada trip and NYC.  Go figure... we did exactly that!  This will be our first time going to Canada so we are pretty excited about that and of course NYC will always be a place we want to visit over and over and over again haha. Never gets old!

Niagara and Toronto, Canada

First time to meet miss Liberty in NYC

There is a story behind the big smiles... and it starts with, don’t go there or you’re gonna get wet.  Followed by, i told you so! :) (see details in pictures below haha!)
battery park, NYC

a mini park at the hellskitchen area in NYC

Princess pajama party with cousin Charley!

Hoffman's Playland

One of the many perks of having a little one now is that we get to discover places that I don’t think we’ll ever get to see or seek out for, unless friends with kids invited us, like the Hoffman’s Playland. 

We’ve heard of it from parents mentioning it, from commercials maybe, or by driving pass it.  But never really had the curiosity to check it out… until this year with our little one.   And it is not even until friends and co-workers told us that we should, with insistence, bring our Ella there because it is closing this year. 

And so we did, and it’s a cute little amusement park! With rides just perfect for our Ella’s age! And she loved it!  And it made us sad that this year will be their last (they were open since 1952, that's 62 years!)… but glad that Ella get to experience and enjoy it… all three of us did actually! :)