Yes, another project this year and it took us six months to complete! I know, that long?! Well, we’re amateurs’ hehehe and we only are able to work on it mostly on Saturdays and on weekdays after office when it’s not raining and the sun is still out and we’re not yet tired… not to mention it was manual labor to the max! :( But it was truly a feel good project when all things planned came together… sore… but definitely worth it!
The retaining wall… our back yard is hilly and since the top part doesn’t really have any grass on it (well, there was but they keep dying on us hahaha!) but trees, when it rains the soil runs down the hill and it fills out the already little space we have at the back… so we thought a retaining wall would be prefect and it sure is!
Then, the patio… since we’re out there digging dirt already might as well finish the whole thing so we dig some more to flatten the surface of our very uneven backyard and laid out step stones to cover the area to create a mini patio for playing and sitting or what have you :) We didn’t think we’ll be able to finish it before the snow comes… but we did! And again… the time spent and body aches… totally worth it!