

November Fest

It’s only the middle of the month and we’ve already attended quite a few parties, not bad huh? : ) oops! wait *knock on wood* don’t wanna jinx it haha!

First stop, a surprise birthday party for Jared. We’re almost late… as usual : ) I think we’re the last ones to get there just right before the birthday celebrant arrived hehe… and just in time to hail “Surprise!” … I know shame on us. It was a nice-heart-warming party though. Good job Virgie!

Second stop, Lynette’s birthday bash! What can we say, this girl knows how to parté! Well, not in a wild-over-the-top-ridiculously-insane way, but it was a cozy-nice-sushi-eating-karaoke-singing-catching-up-on-things-small-group kind of party with a little dancing on the side while singing hehehe. We had a good time!

Then, we went to Wheng’s mom’s birthday. As expected, there was a lot food! We got excited that I think the one pound I have worked so hard to lose – going to the gym… cutting on carbs… crunches in the morning… – all went to naught! And gained back 2 pounds! Haha! You have outdone yourself yet again Wheng!

I know… we are surrounded by kewl people here. : )

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'm looking foward to the next update!