

What now…

So what have we been up to since we got back from our vacation galore : ) well, nothing much really haha. As we have stressed out a million times already, winter is not our thing! And as the good ol’ groundhog predicted, it will be four more weeks of grueling winter for us :( oh well. But there are some exciting things happened that are worth sharing in spite of this cold COLD weather! hahaha!

First, somebody had his birthday! My Warren dear had his birthday last Jan 9. We ate out and watched a movie, these was 4 days after we got back from the Philippines and so we have not fully recovered yet from our jet-lag and throwing a lavish party is totally out of the picture! hahaha! But it was a happy birthday nonetheless! :)

another one of our morning picture here : ) sorry! At least it’s not close-up this time! LOL!

Then we went to our friends’ son’s first piano recital. Everyone was sooo cute and talented!

here is Vernald in his rendition of “Pussywillow” isn’t he awesome!

Lastly, we are working on a project right now that involves a lot of work but at the same time, it’s so much fun! We’re kind of half way done… the details will be in another post :) in the meantime… here’s a hint!

1 comment:

Jessica said...

I love your blog. You guys are so cute. I loved seeing the pictures from your trip home. So cool and very pretty.