

Produce :)

Why of course we have our little produce garden again this year... and of course i'll say "we" again even though it's mostly my hubby who did the work hehe... i helped! promised! :) Looks like this is becoming to be a tradition now for us... which is good... really good, actually! Especially when we try to grow new fruits and veggies. So to start of... here are what's new in our garden this year:

raspberries, green beans, and cherries : )

Pretty cool huh? But like from last time... little creatures around got to harvest the fruits before we did :( now we don't mind sharing... but apparently those little thing do! Silly little rabbits... or maybe it's the chipmunks... it's got to be the squirrels! Oh well, we're still happy! We get to enjoy weeks of not buying tomatoes! :p

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