We have this mini vegetable garden at the back… on pots hehe. Well, I said “we” but it’s actually all Warren’s hard work hehe. Through out the cold season he’ll save up seeds from tomatoes, melon, squash, peppers, anything! that we have at home with seeds… he’ll try to grow it. Anywayz, it was not as fruitful as last year because of all the rain we got this year, but still, we are able to harvest something : ). We are usually successful with tomatoes and peppers 
(I said “we” again hehehe i helped! promise! :p ) but this year we got something different and mind you, warren plant it from scratch! I mean, not bought as sprout from home depot or from some green house place, but from a seed, pretty impressive, huh? I think so too… and that is *drum roll* an Acorn Squash, TA-DA! We are so happy! And proud of our self too of course hahaha. Btw, ‘Kalabasa’ is the tagalog word for squash, in case one wonders : ).
Now, this is the part where my expertise comes in *lol* cooking the kalabasa. One of our favorite kalabasa dish is the one with coconut milk and string beans. My nanay is an expert on this mmm mmm mmm! But I think I did a fairly decent job on this one : ).
So, what do we need? It’s very simple *ehem* just make sure you have garlic, onion, coconut milk, pork, the kalabasa of course, string beans, and salt and pepper to taste. That’s it! And then…

ginataang kalabasa (kalabasa in coconut milk) |
And it’s done!
Serve it with rice of course : )

So here we are enjoying the fruit of our labor this delicious ginataang kalabasa *lol*
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